019-Ask Dr Soram – Dr Crinnion and Phthalates Part 2

Rubber DuckHappy new year to all my listeners and readers and lets make this a year  of Enlightened Medicine, Conscious Living and Compassionate healing.

In this part two of my interview with Dr. Walter Crinnion we continue to discuss the ubiquitous phthalates, and how Conscious Living can help us minimize our exposure to them.

We talk about several studies that have shown it is easy to reduce your phthalate burden. And  a book that shows how the authors were able to reduce their own levels. The book is Slow Death By Rubber Duck

or you can get it on Kindle here

We also talk about Metametrix which is a laboratory where your doctor can order a test kit to measure your phthalate levels. We also talked about the dirty dozen at the environmental working group. The link to the environmental working group's safe cosmetics database is here.

The article about metabolic disruptors that I mentioned in an interview can be found here.

 The link to the Naturopathic Medical Association is here.

The link to Dr. Crinnion's book Clean Green and Lean, is here.

or get it on Kindle here

 And Dr. Crinnion's website is here.

I can recommend a wonderful air filter for your house. It is the Rabbit filter and you can buy it at this websiteThey've given me a discount code for my listeners which is SK1259  and if you apply it, you will get a discount of $30.00 off when you buy an air filter.

I look forward to hearing your comments about these two interviews with Dr. Crinnion.  Have you changed your lifestyle as a result of this information? Have you read the ingredients on your personal care products? Have you found phthalates in your products? Have you changed the way you cook or make or buy food and the wrapping that is around it as result of this podcast?

You can leave a comment below or you can drop me an e-mail at questions@askdrsoram.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

About Dr. Soram Khalsa

As an MD, Dr Soram specializes in Integrative Medicine combining diet, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs and nutrition. Visit Dr Soram’s Healthy Living Store where you’ll find high-quality nutritional supplements: