Flu Epidemic: A Nasal Cleansing a Day May Keep the Doctor Away

What happens when you don’t feel well… Nasal Congestion; Sinus Headaches; Sinus-drip… When you begin to feel sick… what do you do and what can you do… without taking drugs… what natural remedy historically has been used by as many as a billion people every day?

Simple Inexpensive Painless Nasal Cleansing (without toxic Drugs), known as “Neti”, has been a common easy to use wellness practice for many centuries.

This is an ancient healing system from India, done effectively by billions of people for thousands of years.  This simple, easy and soothing technique is actually one of the six purification techniques done by many prior to doing yoga and many do daily religiously.

This ancient treatment can reduce the exchange of sinus fluids and viruses in addition to personal benefits of sinus congestion relief.

Nasal cleansing, also known as nasal irrigation, involves using a neti pot to pour a lukewarm saline solution (pure water mixed with natural salt) inside one side of your nostril while tilting your head sideways so the water runs out of your other nostril.

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About Dr. Soram Khalsa

As an MD, Dr Soram specializes in Integrative Medicine combining diet, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs and nutrition. Visit Dr Soram’s Healthy Living Store where you’ll find high-quality nutritional supplements: