Update from the 6th Annual Sheila Kar Health Foundation Heart Protection Seminar

sheilakarOn Saturday, February 14th I was delighted to speak at the Sheila Kar Health Foundation’s 6th Annual Valentine’s Day “Heart Protection Seminar”.

The purpose of the seminar was to help people learn how to maintain optimum health through education on the necessary screening tests that are crucial in different stages in life.

While leading our busy and stressful lives, we tend to ignore symptoms that could end up in serious illnesses.  We wait until the disease is advanced or irreversible.  If everyone would get regular medical checkups, several illnesses could be avoided.

I enjoyed sitting on a panel with several other distinguished guests including:

  • Sandy Brewer, Ph.D.: Inspirational speaker, therapist, coach, humanitarian and Author of “Pursuit of light, an extraordinary journey”.
  • Gary Cohan, M.D.: Internist, researcher, radio talk show host, political commentator and lecturer. He pioneered work in Primary Care Medicine and HIV Medicine.
  • Sheila Kar, M.D.: Assistant Clinical Prof. of Medicine and Clinical Chief of Cardiology, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.
  • Jack Lewin, M.D.: Chief Executive officer of the American College of Cardiology, he is a physician, experienced association leader, and a public policy expert and veteran health care advocate.
  • Judith Reichman, M.D.:  Gynecologist and Women’s Health expert, medical contributor on women’s health for the NBC Today Show and author of several bestsellers on Women’s Health issues.

Together we discussed the safety, efficacy and drug interactions of complementary medicine.  And we also had a lively discussion on the proposed health plan as we see it.

Today’s tight economy has led people to resort to natural remedies to stay healthy, and this event brought together many people who wanted to learn more about doing just that!

Below are some photos from the event.

Dr Soram

About Dr. Soram Khalsa

As an MD, Dr Soram specializes in Integrative Medicine combining diet, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs and nutrition. Visit Dr Soram’s Healthy Living Store where you’ll find high-quality nutritional supplements: