16 Interesting Facts About America’s Most Popular Fruit, Bananas

Bananas are not only America’s #1 fruit, they may also have been the first fruit on earth, according to the International Banana Association, which notes that banana plants have been in cultivation since history has been recorded.
Their origins can be traced into the Malaysian jungles of Southeast Asia, but one of the first records of them came from Alexander the Great in 327 B.C. He conquered India, and also discovered a sweet, yellow fruit: the banana!

You may think you know it all about everybody’s “favorite” fruit, but rest assured there’s more to learn. Did you know that …

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The 17 Most Important Steps to Organize Your Office (Finally!)

messy officeConsidering how much time most workers spend in their office (a survey by NEC-Mitsubishi, a maker of computer monitors, found that 67 percent of office workers feel more tied to their desks than they did two years ago), we should all be “whizzes” at organizing our offices.

In reality, most of us could use a little help, and who could blame us, considering that after spending a long day in the office the last thing you want to do is spend more time organizing.

Yet chances are high that within the last week or certainly month you’ve said (or at least thought to yourself) “I’ve got to get this office organized!”

You likely also said it through gritted teeth, with a red face, and feeling frustrated as you frantically searched for that important memo, only to find it lost amid piles of papers, business cards and post-it notes. Life does not have to be this hard.

You can have an organized, clutter-free and irresistibly simple office by the following the tips below. Keep in mind as you read through them that organizing your office is not something you should do for 10 hours straight, once a year. It’s a process that you must adopt over time. And by conquering a little at a time, perhaps as little as a few minutes every day, your office will become your sanctuary.

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What to do AFTER a Workout to Get Maximum Benefit From Your Exercise

It’s somewhat instinctive to warm-up before a workout. You may jog in place a little, shake out your arms, do a few stretches, and some other movements to get your heart pumping and your body feeling loose before you exercise. After you’re done exercising, however, you may be tired, and taking the time to cool down and support your body post-workout may be the last thing on your mind.
But as you may suspect, establishing a proper after-workout routine is incredibly important. Taking care of your body after exercise will impact your muscles (their strength and soreness), how well your exercise is received and even how much strain you put on your heart. So if you’re taking the healthy step of exercising, be sure to extend it to include these simple, yet essential, after-workout tips.

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Dr. Khalsa’s Happy to Announce the FREE online Summit on Digestive Problems IBS and SIBO

I am delighted to announce the free summit on IBS And SIBO, which is starting today when you get this newsletter.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)and SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) are extremely common in our society. Just look at the many advertisements on TV for digestive problems. Most of these products treat irritable bowel syndrome and SIBO symptomatically, without getting at the root of the problem.
Over the next week a panel of experts will be discussing many protocols that can be most helpful to treating and resolving IBS and SIBO.

I urge you to subscribe and watch for the next week these free interviews.

SUBJECT: STARTS MONDAY Today! These experts could help with digestive
SUBJECT: Things you NEVER knew about digestive disorders!
SUBJECT: Join me on Monday to learn about digestive disorders!

The IBS & SIBO SOS Summit starts on Monday, September 3rd
register for free now!, and tens of thousands will learn from the
expert wisdom so important to overcoming bloating, painful gas,
diarrhea, constipation, mixed digestive patterns and/or poor nutrient

Will you be there? You should be. Because, if left untreated,
pervasive digestion issues like IBS and SIBO can have devastating
effects on your quality of life – but there ARE solutions and these
world-renowned experts are here to share them!

Register Immediately!

See you at this important event!

With best wishes for your good health

P.S. The IBS & SIBO SOS Summit is hosted by health advocate and
popular TV personality Shivan Sarna, who draws on her own experience
with painful digestive issues and years of failed treatments
(alternative and conventional) to be YOUR champion for improved
health – and she’s here to share her knowledge with you! Click here to register now!

Hospital Pricing: Why do Certain Hospitals Charge Significantly More for the Same Medical Procedures? Most IMPORTANTLY: Sick-Care Hospital Stay Prevention!

health care costsIf you are planning an operation you likely want the best Hospital with the best team your Doctor recommends and cost likely doesn’t matter after you exceed your health insurance deductible.

Even if you have a high deductible, when you’re in need of immediate medical care and end up in a hospital, price again is likely the furthest thing from your mind — that is until the medical bills start rolling in.

For Americans with comprehensive insurance coverage, the true costs of medical care may never really surface for you personally, but for those with high-deductible plans, skimpy coverage or no insurance at all, knowing that you could have had the same procedure performed down the street for half the cost, or less, probably makes your blood boil.

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The Healing and Strengthening Power of Touch

The power of touch is displayed perhaps no more poignantly than during the first few months of life. Babies who are not hugged and held during these first months will not thrive and grow like their cuddled peers. In fact, a study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that infants who were held, snuggled and touched had better mental and motor skills than those who were not.

“Holding hands has greatly diminished the intensity of what would have been more stressful moments,” John says. “It’s difficult, if not impossible, for either of us to be or stay mad when we are holding hands looking directly into each other’s eyes, which promotes truth, love, care, respect and consideration for one another.”

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Nasty Neighbors: How to Deal with Neighbors Whose Habits Drive You Crazy

Timothy Cerny of Maryland proposed building a pool in his backyard. This angered neighbor David Elliott and launched a seven-year feud between the two neighbors. Thirteen criminal cases, two civil lawsuits, more than 100 police visits and 13 peace orders later, the feud is still ongoing.
nasty neighbors
The feud has gotten so expensive that a judge even suggested the county buy one of the homes to end it.

“They’re the modern day Hatfields and McCoys,” said Howard County Police Capt. Kevin Burnett.

Feuds like this may sound wild, but they’re not unusual. Take actor Jim Belushi, for example, whose feud with his neighbor of 19 years (actress Julie Newmar) resulted in a $4-million lawsuit accusing her of harassment, defamation and vandalism (which was later settled through mediation).

“Feuds are very serious, neighbors especially, I mean, it’s tough because, you know, it’s your land! But I mean, think about it, all over the world, they’re all fighting over what? Land, you know,” Belushi told ABC News’ 20/20.

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Eating and Exercise: Should You Eat After Exercising? Before? How Long and What?

Many of us grew up with the strict advice to wait at least one hour after eating to go swimming — or else we’d be stricken with severe cramps and inevitably sink to the bottom.
eating before exercising
Now that we’re grown, many of us are still holding on to the notion that we shouldn’t eat anything before we exercise. Meanwhile, many of us don’t take the time to stop and eat something after we workout either, but should we?

Eating Before Exercise: Should You?

Your body needs fuel (i.e. food) to make it through your workout, but too much of it can actually slow you down. So when it comes to eating and exercise, timing, quantity and the type of exercise you’re doing make all the difference.

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Want to Dream Away Your Problems? Awake Refreshed with Amazing Solutions that will Shock and Amaze You

“Sleeping on it” has long been one of the best pieces of advice when faced with a difficult decision or a complex problem. A good night’s sleep has a way of helping us sort through our options and identify solutions that were invisible to us the day before.

Exactly how sleep works its problem-solving magic is more of a mystery, but it’s well known that getting enough high-quality sleep can improve your memory. Further, when you learn a new skill, the memories are vulnerable until they are
“solidified” in your brain. It appears that sleeping plays a key role in this process, which may explain why infants, who are constantly learning new skills, require so much more sleep than adults.

But new research is revealing there’s another part of sleep that also makes a mark on your brain, and its ability to solve problems, and that is your dreams.

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High Cholesterol? The TOP 12 Non-Drug Strategies to Increase Your HDL Levels

Think you’ve heard it all when it comes to cholesterol? Well, even the most cholesterol-savvy among us may be in for a surprise … it turns out that perhaps the most important aspect has to do with making sure you have enough of it — the good kind, that is.

Cholesterol, of course, is composed of two types: the good “HDL” (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and the bad “LDL” (low-density lipoprotein) variety.

Most Americans focus on reducing LDL cholesterol as a key part of their treatment regimen. However, a new study found that having too little good cholesterol is at least as damaging when it comes to heart disease as having too much of the bad kind, and it may even be more damaging.

“The public was first educated on total cholesterol, and then the shift was on LDL cholesterol and keeping that level down,” said Dr. Christie Ballantyne, a professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. “HDL cholesterol is at least as important as LDL cholesterol and may even be more predictive of heart disease.”

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