033-Whole Food and Unprocessed! – An Interview with Chef AJ Part 1

On this podcast I am delighted to interview my new friend and colleague, Chef AJ. Chef AJ is the author of the book “Unprocessed”.

She was the executive vegan pastry chef at Sante Restaurant and has been a chef and culinary instructor in Los Angeles for the past 12 years.

You can get her book at Amazon here

or the kindle version here

She is the creator and co-producer of the annual Healthy Taste of LA event held every year in Redondo Beach, California. This year it is being held on November 3.

I first met Chef AJ over a year ago at an event for Colin Campbell that was held at the USC school of medicine. She was the main chef there and the food was absolutely delicious. In fact many non-vegans said it was the best food they’ve ever had!

Then recently, AJ invited me to a vegan whole food plant based cooking class which she held at her house. I was totally inspired by this class and how easy it could be to cook in a whole food unprocessed plant based fashion that I went on to take some private training with her so I could make my own food! (My wife was delighted!) [Read more…]

032-Integration, Environment and Lupus

In this show I am happy to be back after my 10 day meditation retreat in the mountains of New Mexico. We had a record 2400 people come this year and it was extremely powerful that so many people were meditating simultaneously together.

In this day and age when the stresses of the world weigh upon all of us, it is time for all of my listeners to start meditating. I feel very grateful that I found my spiritual teacher Yogi Bhajan, many years ago and have followed the meditation path of Kundalini Yoga. However there are many types of meditation and each person needs to find what is right for them.

In Los Angeles now, I encourage many of my patients to try out Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction which is a powerful and rising form of meditation that is practical for everyone no matter how busy they are.

I mentioned in my podcast a DVD that will lead you in the meditation at home. I  often refer my patients to this, which you can find here, or buy the download  of the video here [Read more…]

031-Probiotics- My interview with Eamonn Quiqley Part 2

In the second part of my interview with Dr Quiqley we continue to discuss the value of probiotics for our health.

We start with my question on how effective are probiotics for digestive health especially irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). He feels the most benefit of probiotics proven so far is for people with digestive problems. 

We then talk about Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and whether people with this condition should use or avoid probiotics. You will remember I talked about this in my podcast interview with Dr Mark Pimental and he implied people with SIBO should avoid probiotics. 

Dr Quigley certainly reminds us after using antibiotics for SIBO, probiotics might provide benefit for the patient. 

We then talk about possible side effects of taking probiotics. He points out there may be an adjustment period when you first start probiotics. Dr Quiqley says he has never seen anybody allergic to probiotics.  [Read more…]

030-Probiotics! My interview with Eamonn Quiqley, M.D.


Eamonn Quigley, M.D.In this podcast I interview world renowned Gastroenterologist Eamonn Quigley M.D. He is a Professor of Human Physiology at the University College in Cork Ireland. Our interview is all about Probiotics.

We all know that probiotics are so important to our health and more and more research is coming out to show that. Health food stores are packed full of many different brands of probiotics and this sometimes makes it hard to decide which one is best to use. 

In this interview we start out by my asking Dr Quigley “What is a probiotic?” and his answer is very straightforward “It is a microbe which is alive and which when given to man transfers a health benefit.” He then goes on to point out that the microbe must “make it” through our gut to get to the large intestine where it is meant to work. 

We talk about how probiotics work and I ask him why we should take probiotics. I also ask if all probiotics are the same and how safe are they to take.

[Read more…]

029-My Interview with Dr Crinnion on Environmental Toxicity and our Mitochondria Part 2


On this podcast, I am delighted to have my colleague Dr. Walter Crinnion back for part two of our interview about the importance of our mitochondria.

I ask Dr. Crinnion some additional questions including:

1. What can I do with my diet to optimize my mitochondrial function?

2. Are there supplements that will help?

3. Can these help if I already have mitochondria that are not working well?

4. Can I increase the mitochondria that I have and can I make them work better?

We also go on to talk about other questions as well. Dr. Crinnion presents a patient with neurotoxicity in which the patient’s mitochondria were actually poisoned by pesticides and you will find interestingly in the podcast how this patient got so many pesticides.

As I mentioned too, I was just at the Pregnancy Awareness Month event in Los Angeles and I was on a panel with Ken Cook and Alejandro Junger talking about how women can prepare to detoxify before they get pregnant and most importantly to stay clean while they are pregnant. Videos from this event will be on the Pregnancy Awareness Website soon and I will put a link to them when I know that they are up. This podcast has a photo of Ken and I being interviewed by Anya Sarre of Entertainment Tonight show. [Read more…]

028-My Interview with Dr Crinnion on Environmental Toxicity and our Mitochondria Part 1

Dr. CrinnionOn this podcast, I am delighted to have my friend and colleague Dr. Walter Crinnion, ND,  back to talk about how environmental toxicants actually do their damage to the body.

This podcast is about our mitochondria, the little organelles which are the energy factories of our cells.

In this show I’m going to be asking Dr. Crinnion the following questions:

1. What are mitochondria and what do they do for us?

2. How can I tell if my mitochondria are working or are not working?

3. Are there certain diseases that are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction?

4. What kinds of things “poison” my mitochondria?

In preparation for this interview I reread Dr. Crinnion’s excellent book called Clean, Green and Lean, which I encourage all of you to get and read. It tells you the practical steps to help keep your own body clean, and to keep the environment where you live and work, clean. This is especially important for people who already have a chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. It is also very important for young families who are starting to have children which can be more easily affected by the chemicals in our environment. [Read more…]

027-Your Questions Answered-Immune Support, Thyroid and Vitamin D

In this episode, I am proud to announce that I have been chosen to receive the prestigious Daniel J Wallace Founders Award at this year’s  Lupus LA event on May 24. The event will be held at the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel. This award is given to individuals who have exemplified excellence in their profession, and as a result of their work and service, have improved the health and well-being of our community and its citizens. I am indeed very honored to be the recipient of this award this year. To my knowledge it will be the first time that this award is being given to a Integrative Medical Doctor.

Here is a link to the website.

I am also delighted to announce that the Pregnancy Awareness Organization is sponsoring an event in Los Angeles on May 6 at the Skirball Center. It is from noon to 4 PM. Ken Cook, the president of Environmental Working Group, and Alejandro Junger,  and I will be on a panel entitled “Cleaning up for Pregnancy”. We will discuss how to clean out before a woman gets pregnant. If you or one of your girlfriends are in the greater Los Angeles area and are thinking about getting pregnant soon this event would be most informative for you. [Read more…]

026-BPA, Endocrine Disruptors, Autism and Your Health

In this episode I talk about the current controversy regarding BPA, also known as bisphenol A. The FDA just rejected a petition from the Natural Resources Defense Council to ban BPA in food packaging.

BPA has been found in the urine of more than 93% of Americans tested. It is a synthetic estrogen that was developed more than 70 years ago and has been widely used since the 1960s specifically to make polycarbonate plastic for things such as baby bottles. It's also been used to line metal cans such as soup cans. It can be found in dental sealants and eyeglasses as well as a coating for cash register receipts and hundreds of other household items.

BPA is an “endocrine disruptor” (EDC) and as such disrupts our endocrine system. It is been linked to neurological defects, diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, and heart disease.

Just recently Campbell’s Soup company announced that they would be removing BPA from the inner lining of their soup cans. This was brought about by pressure from consumers. [Read more…]

025- Part 2 of my interview with Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, M.D.

Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, M.D.This is part 2 of my interview of noted Ob-Gyn Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz.

We pick up in part 2 of the interview talking the nutrients she recommends during pregnancy. Brain development and Essential Fatty Acids during pregnancy and nursing are reviewed. 

Then we move on to talk about bio identical hormones for menopause. We review the herbs that are helpful for menopause. What is the definition of bio-identical?  Dr. Suzanne defines it. 

Is it risky for a menopausal woman to take bio identical hormones? This depends on several factors in the woman’s life and personal history. 

Dr Suzanne definitely recommends bio identical hormones for women that want to take hormones at menopause. She reviews the new data from the Women’s Health Initiative that women with low risk for breast cancer actually had a lower risk of breast cancer when they took the horse hormone brand Premarin. 

Furthermore I am happy to learn that a new study of hormone replacement in women who had breast cancer is also in progress, to help with symptoms including bone loss.  [Read more…]

024- My interview with noted Ob-Gyn Suzanne Gilberg Lenz, M.D.

I am delighted to have on this podcast my colleague and friend, Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz  M.D. Dr. Suzanne applies integrative medicine to Obstetrics and Gynecology , the way I apply it to Internal Medicine

Dr. Suzanne is fully trained in Ayurvedic Medicine and uses it in her practice. We talk about “what is Ayurveda” and how does it compare with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing systems and comes from India. 

Ayurveda means the science of life and is directly related to Yoga. 

We talk about the main modalities of treatment that are used in Ayurveda. And she points out that lifestyle management is a big part of Ayurveda.

 Marma therapy  is part of Ayurveda and is analogous to acupressure in Chinese medicine.

Dr. Suzanne brings in many aspects of integrative medicine to her practice and works closely with other integrative practitioners and that is how I met her. She provides a safe environment for women to talk to her about their lives and health.

We discuss how she uses Ayurvedic  medicine in Obstetrics. The idea that “you are not in control” is a big lesson during pregnancy and we discuss this.  Pregnancy lets a woman learn to let go! We talk about yoga and safe yoga practices during pregnancy. I am happy to see that Vitamin D is part of her basic prenatal blood panel.  [Read more…]