What I Have Been Doing!

I’m sending you this weeks newsletter from the mountains of New Mexico. I’ve been here for the last eight days and the beauty of the environment, the sky, and the clarity the air is exhilarating.

For this past week, high in the mountains between Santa Fe and Taos, I attended the annual 3HO summer solstice meditation event. Although 40 years ago this event was originated by the Sikh community, over 90% of the people who came to the event this year are not Sikhs. They are yoga students from all over the world. This year, for the first time a group of 100 people came from China. Yoga is even happening in China!  In all, there were over 2000 people at the event.

For the past week everybody has been doing yoga, taking classes and many people learning to become teachers of yoga. For three intensive days, of which I attended two, all 2000 people meditated simultaneously for approximately 10 hours a day. Please note this was not 10 straight hours, as there are breaks after every hour of meditation and a lunch break!

These meditations have been my personal tradition of the last many years as a way to recharge myself. Indeed this year’s meditations were sublime and I feel reinvigorated for the year ahead.

Below you will see a photograph I took of people in the lines getting ready to begin meditation. Please note, no photographs are allowed to be taken during the meditations themselves.

Below the group picture is a photo me (with watermelon in my left hand) and my longtime good friend Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. who is the author of several patient-oriented books and many medical papers on Alzheimer’s disease. You can find his books HERE on Amazon.com

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

If any of my patients or readers are interested in this event for the future, please don’t hesitate to email me!

Institute for Functional Medicine Conference

I am just back from the Institute for Functional Medicine meetings in Dallas, Texas. Over 1200 doctors from all over the world, including 20 countries, attended this meeting. It is a record number for this organization. I am one of the original members of this organization, and I remember our first meeting had 50 doctors!

The subject of the meeting, as I told you last week was “Illuminating the Energy Spectrum: Exploring the Evidence and Emerging Clinical Solutions for Managing Pain, Fatigue, and Cognitive Dysfunction.”

My favorite lectures were by David Perlmutter, M.D. who is a prominent integrative neurologist in Florida. I’ve known David for over 20 years. He discussed at length many of the now understood contributing causes of the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease.

Click here to read my blog post about Alzheimer’s Disease.

Watch Me On Dr Oz Friday December 21, 2012!

I am delighted to announce that next Friday, December 21, 2012 I will be on the Dr. Oz Television Show ! You will be able to watch it on your local TV channel. I also have come to understand that Dr. Oz’s show runs in over 100 countries worldwide. Obviously this is very exciting! You can find out the time and station for the show by CLICKING HERE

I filmed the show several months ago in New York. I was told by Dr. Oz’s team that I could not make any mention of it in on my blog until today and that is why I’ve said nothing about it before on my blog.

I was interviewed in three segments. In the first segment, Dr. Oz address the  “Elephant in the room”, with the question “Why are you a Sikh ?” After giving a very straightforward answer to this question, we were able to move on to discuss why integrative medicine will be the future of healthcare in the United States.

In the second segment, we discussed vitamin D and my book about vitamin D. In addition Dr. Oz asked me why I had created my own brand of vitamin D and I answered that question.

In the third segment the Dr. Oz team had flown into of my “Fans” from my blog and podcast! Kathy Smart and Cynthia Besson were flown in to meet me on the show for the first time. Obviously this was very exciting to both of them as well as to me! I had no idea I had so many fans out there!

Kathy is a TV show host and best-selling author, and chef and is also known as Canada’s leading gluten-free expert. Her book is entitled “Live the Smart way: Gluten Free Cookbook” and has sold thousands of copies. It is available on Amazon here. Do check out her website which is HERE . I’m looking forward to doing an interview with her for one of my upcoming podcasts in the New Year.


Cynthia Dr Soram and Kathy after the Dr Oz Show was filmed


After the introduction and greeting of these two lovely ladies Dr. Oz had me go on to teach him a few Kundalini yoga exercises right on camera! I can’t wait to see Dr. Oz and the ladies and I doing yoga together. Of course everything is very abbreviated, because it is TV and every second counts.


Dr Soram Getting Ready to Teach Kundalini Yoga on Set

 I look forward to seeing the show and getting your feedback when it comes out next Friday, December 21, 2012.

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038 –Ask Dr Soram- My meeting with Wayne Dyer and Part 2 of my interview with Dr Ron Karlsberg on the CT Angiogram

In this podcast I announce that I am going to be on a medical daytime TV show in the near future. I am not allowed to put its name on the internet until 7 days before the show. The show has been filmed and should air in the 2nd or 3rd week of October. Stay tuned to my podcast and my website www.drsoram.com for an announcement as soon as I know. Also, I will be tweeting it and putting it on my Facebook page. Please follow me on twitter or LIKE me on Facebook!

I also talk about how I had the privilege to meet with Dr. Wayne Dyer while I was visiting in Hawaii. We had a wonderful conversation together and it was most uplifting to me. I highly recommend to you his new book which is a bestseller called Wishes Fulfilled. It is a difficult time on planet earth for all of us, and this book will help guide you to getting what is most important to you. [Read more…]

Whole Food Plant Based Diet for a Healthy World

I am delighted to let all my patients, readers and friends know that I have completed the eCornell online six week intensive training program in Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition.

The course was fantastic! It was led by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and it was based on his tremendous research from his book The China Study. I learned in the course that a whole food plant based diet is able to  prevent as well as to treat the two most common diseases in America, heart disease and cancer.

Aside from Dr. Campbell's excellent lectures, there were many other speakers as well. One of my favorite lectures was by Douglas Lisle Ph.D. who spoke on "The Pleasure Trap". This lecture was about how our own biochemistry and neurochemistry get stimulated by street drugs and junk foods into a persistent cycle that keeps us trapped in our addictive drug or food behavior. Of course he talked about how to get out of this painful cycle that SO many Americans are stuck in. I recommend his book The Pleasure Trap to you. Or you can get the DVD.

My other favorite lecture was by Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. His lecture was on how to prevent and reverse heart disease using the Whole Food Plant Based Diet. He is a prominent surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic and after many years of working as a breast cancer surgeon he wanted to look into how to prevent the chronic diseases of America. He focused on heart disease and in his amazing lecture in the course he showed us before and after photographs of coronary angiograms showing how advanced heart disease had completely reversed when people followed a Whole Food Plant Based diet for a few years.

I was truly impressed, and I am already speaking with my patients who have coronary artery disease about using this diet as a treatment. In recent days the most prominent individual to adopt this diet is President Bill Clinton. President Clinton was interviewed about this diet by Wolf Blitzer of CNN and you can watch his interview at this site:

President Clinton lost weight back to his High School weight and looks forward to seeing the diet bring him benefit for his heart disease. He had to have coronary by-pass surgery and some years later the newly implanted arteries clogged again and he need a stent put in to keep the new artery open. That was the stimulus for him to go on this diet.

If you or your family has heart disease, please do consider reading Dr Esselstyn’s  book and trying the diet !

To learn more about this course go to this site for the course.

and you can watch the intro video here

Also a wonderful new movie about the Whole Food Plant Based Diet just came out starting Dr Campbell and Esselstyn and others. I highly recommend it ! It is called Forks over Knives.

I look forward to writing more articles on my blog about the benefits of a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.
Please let me know your thoughts!


The Japanese Translation of My Book Has Been Published!

The Vitamin D Revolution in JapaneseI am delighted to announce that my book,.The Vitamin D Revolution has been published in Japanese.I love the cover!

There has been great interest in my book in Japan.  If you have friends there let them know they should be taking their vitamin D everyday.

Versions in other languages are being worked on as well and I will keep you posted!


Facial Care, Beauty and Environmental Medicine

Facial care and Environmental Medicine Several weeks ago I gave a lecture at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills entitled Facial care, Beauty, and Environmental medicine. I was very honored to share the stage with Ken Cook, the president of the Environmental Working Group. Ken gave a beautiful lecture on "10 Americans" that the Environmental Working Group has studied.

We were there on behalf of Tata Harper who sponsored the event. Her facial care products are totally pure and contain no harmful chemicals.

Studies show that when the average American woman walks out of her house in the morning, she has already applied over 120 chemicals to her body, in the form of moisturizers, lipsticks, makeup, shampoo, and conditioner. The major class of chemical in these products is called phthalates, and these chemicals are associated with everything from childhood behavioral disorders to breast cancer.

European countries which are quite aware of this, have banned over 1000 chemicals in personal care products. In the United States only nine chemicals have been banned.

The connection of these chemicals with human health is profound and I plan to discuss this in future articles on my blog. Information on these chemicals is coming out in the medical literature at a rapid pace. All of us need to pay attention to the personal care products that we use. We all need to try to avoid chemical products, and instead use products made with natural ingredients.

I can recommend two books will which help you understand how these chemicals cause health problems.

The first is No More Dirty Looks in which the authors Siobhan O'Connor and Alexandra Spunt review the categories of chemicals we all get in our personal care products and what diseases are associated with these chemicals. They then recommend healthy brands of products that do NOT contain any chemicals.

The other book I recommend is Slow Death by Rubber Duck written by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie. In this book they discuss the chemicals in our products and what they can do to us.

The event was video taped and I expect to make my talk available for you to see.

Let me know what you are doing to avoid phthalates and keep yourself and your family healthy.

Here is a photo of me with Tata and Ken:


My Lecture on Staying Healthy in Los Angeles

Soram Khalsa speaks at Skirball Center in LAI gave my lecture at the Sheila Kar Foundation event last Sunday at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. I was very gratified by the reception I received. There was a surprisingly large crowd for a Sunday morning.

My topic was "Vitamins and Supplements: If I'm Not Sick, do I Really  Need Them?"

I discussed six of the basic nutrients that I recommend at The Khalsa Medical Clinic everyday to keep my patients healthy, and the rationale behind them. I talked about the "Spectrum of Health" and how most of us are in the center "gray zone". We talked about how our body makes energy and how we stay healthy.

Here are a few of the comments that I received after the event.

"Thank you Dr. Kar. The seminar was very informative, I could have listened to Dr. Khalsa all morning."

The mother of one of the hospital doctors wrote: "Great presentation – absolutely worthy of my time. Every physician needs to know the info. it is a loss that you guys did not go. I wish that I know in advance to ask u guys to go. Everyone will benefit from it – for a much better health, to feel good and regain the vigor (life force) of life. Very very good."

The event was videotaped and I look forward to making it available on DVD. Let me know if you or your organization would like me to speak on how to stay healthy! Also let me know if you would like a copy of my handout from the event.


I Will Be Teaching at UCLA

Ucla david getffen school of medicine I have accepted an opportunity to teach medical students at the prestigious David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, starting this September.

After more than 30 years of practicing integrative medicine, I realize that it is time to share what I have learned and what I've been doing with young medical students and medical doctors, as well as the general public.

Through my blog I have been sharing my knowledge with the general public. However, I felt it was a necessity in my life to also be able to train young medical doctors.

Starting this September, I will be teaching a course to second-year medical students called "Doctoring". In this course I will be paired with a psychologist and we will be teaching young medical students how to interview patients, and get their history and how to help patients deal with difficult problems, from drug addiction to a cancer diagnosis. This course is not so much about the science of medicine at the art of meeting with the patient, and meeting their needs.

A recent study in  JAMA showed that if a patient comes to their doctor with more than two complaints, that the chance of the second complaint ever being addressed is 8%. This study was shocking to me as an integrative doctor, because I recognize that the body is an inter — connected web of organs and not just a narrow view of one organ system and one complaint. So knowing ALL the patients symptoms is important.

This course at UCLA is a required course and all medical students must take it. It goes on their permanent deans record that they use to get into a residency program.

I will be specifically teaching eight or nine students throughout the year. I expect it to be a very fun course. That is because UCLA uses what are called "standardized patients". When I heard this expression I asked what it meant?  A "standardized patient" is a professional actor who has been taught and trained to act out all parts of any given disease that the doctors are assigned for the day. The "patient"  will know the signs and symptoms of the disease and they will be able to intelligently answer the medical students questions while the psychologist and I look on and teach the students how to interact with them as a patient.

My partner in the course,who is a psychologist, has been doing this for a number of years and she told me that it is not only very valuable but also can be fun.

I look forward to telling you about the "cases" that we see, but  most importantly I  look forward to helping the students to learn that they must listen to the whole patient, with a compassionate ear.

It is wonderful that medical schools are starting to do this.

What has been your experience with interacting with physicians? Have you had to interact with physicians taking care of a loved one? How has your experience been? Let me know what you think?


My Lecture at UCLA

I was one of 5 speakers to a pre-med class of students at UCLA who are taking a course entitled "Introduction to Integrative East-West Medicine". The students came from all over the world to study.
My friend Ka-kit Hui, M.D., F.A.C.P is the Chairman of the Course and invited me to share with the students my perspective on integrative medicine as a primary care doctor in private practice.

The other speakers included my friend Myles Spar MD, MPH who is the director of the Venice Integrative Medicine Clinic, at the Venice Family Clinic. Also Richard Pietras MD, Ph.D. who is the chairman of the Stile Program in Integrative Oncology at UCLA spoke. And Ping Ho, MA,MPH who is the director of the UCLArts and Healing Center spoke.

We each spoke to the students about our work and showed slides of our offices and projects.

After our talks we then all sat on a panel and answered questions from the students about integrative medicine from our perspective.

I had a really good time and enjoyed meeting my colleagues to see what they are doing. I look forward to more teaching opportunities in the near future.

Here is a nice picture of the five of us!

UCLA talk on Integrative Medicine

From left to right : Dr Pietras, Dr Hui, Ping Ho, Dr Soram, Dr Spar