Spinal Health and a Brief Tour of Your Spine: What Everyone Needs to Know

Your spine, sometimes called your backbone, has an important job to do every day: it supports your entire body.

The spine itself is a series of bones (vertebrae) held together by fibrous bands (ligaments). Specifically, it consists of seven neck vertebrae, 12 middle back vertebrae, and five lower back vertebrae. Below that is the sacrum, which contains five fused vertebrae, and then three small fused vertebrae, known as the tailbone. You may not realize it, but this bony column actually takes up about half of the volume of your torso, from front to back!

What is the Purpose of Your Spine?

Well, it does much more than simply hold you up. Your spine is the structure that your muscles, shoulders and pelvis are attached to, and the muscles are what move the spine through its full range of motion. Your spine also supports your head (all 10-12 pounds of it).

Beyond its supportive role, your spine protects your spinal cord, which is housed in the vertebrae. Millions of messages from your brain are carried through your spinal cord and the nerves that branch off from it, communicating with all of the organs and parts of your body.

Your spine is actually uniquely formed with interlocking joint structures and flexible discs between the vertebrae so that you can have flexibility and mobility without having to worry about damaging your spinal cord (and potentially interfering with your brain’s ability to communicate with your entire body).

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About Dr. Soram Khalsa

As an MD, Dr Soram specializes in Integrative Medicine combining diet, nutrition, acupuncture, herbs and nutrition. Visit Dr Soram’s Healthy Living Store where you’ll find high-quality nutritional supplements: