043-Ask Dr Soram Watch Me on Dr Oz This Friday December 21! And Part 2 of My Interview with Michael Gregor, M.D.

KhalsaI am so happy to announce that this Friday December 21, 2012 I will appear on the Dr Oz Show! You can click here to find your local station and time for the show. Most of my patients and I myself will be at work during this daytime show, so we are going to “Tivo” -record the show to watch when we get home.

I recorded the show in New York in September. It was really a fun thing to do and I was delighted that they gave me three segments with Dr. Oz.

In the first segment we talk about Integrative Medicine. In the second segment we talk about vitamin D and my book on vitamin D. In the third segment, the producers of the show had flown in two of my “Fans” from my website and my podcast site and we met for the first time live on stage in front of the audience! This was truly a thrilling moment to know that I have “Fans” out there, like you who are benefiting from my writing and my podcasts.

After we meet each other, I then teach the two ladies and Dr. Oz a few exercises of Kundalini Yoga. As most of you know I’ve been doing Kundalini Yoga for over 40 years. I still practice it every morning when I get up.

Let me know what you think when you watch the show! I’m excited to see it myself! I hope to hear from you. [Read more…]

042-Ask Dr Soram- Interview with Dr. Michael Gregor

Welcome back everybody from Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends and family. For many of us Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday of the year. We should all be grateful for what we do have, in spite of what we may not have.

Integrative medicine is increasingly coming into the news and we are all realizing the important role that our Lifestyle has in affecting our health.

In this podcast I discuss several new articles which have come out.

First I talk about the new information which is just come out on the importance of vitamin D for elderly women. Low vitamin D in these two articles have been associated with impaired cognitive function. This is directly connected with the new epidemic that we are seeing of Alzheimer’s disease. The article is HERE.

I then go on to talk about the new information on high fructose fueling the type II diabetes epidemic. This is research done at the University of Southern California and also the University of Oxford. These articles show that there are potential significant risks in consuming high levels of high fructose corn syrup. Unfortunately the United States has the highest consumption of this product. The average American consumes 55 pounds of high fructose corn syrup per year. The second highest is Hungary with 46 pounds per person per year. [Read more…]

041-Ask Dr Soram- Your child ADHD and Your Environment

This is the second part of my podcast interview with Walter Crinnion ND, on the role of environmental toxins in causation of Attention Deficit Disorder in children.

I open this podcast talking about how proposition 37 was turned down by the voters thanks to an enormous amount of money put in by large corporations who did not want their products to lose money. This was a proposition which would have required products containing genetically modified organisms to be labeled. (GMO’s)

You can learn more about this subject by going to the website www.responsibletechnology.org.

I also remind you about the importance clean fresh seeds that we all grow our food from. There is an excellent video that is narrated by Jeremy Irons that you can watch at this website.

We open this podcast by talking about the role that heavy metals play in the diagnosis of ADD and ADHD. [Read more…]

040-Ask Dr Soram- Your child, ADHD, and Your Environment

Once again, I welcome my colleague and friend Dr. Walter Crinnion to my podcast. In this podcast we talk about the role of common environmental chemicals and how they affect children specifically in relation to ADD and ADHD.

However, before we get to the substance of this podcast I want to remind you that for a few more days,  this very important documentary on the role of GMOs in your health and health of your family is still online to watch for free. I urge you to watch it and to apply it to your life.

It is free to watch HERE!

I remind everybody that we now know  that one in six children in America has a developmental disability. The spectrum of these disorders includes autism, learning disorders or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is what we are talking about today.

From 1997 to 1999 from the US Center of Disease Control and Prevention studies, they recognize the 12.8% of children were diagnosed with a developmental disability. In 2008 this rose to 15%. These studies lag behind the current date, but we do know that it is continuing to rise. [Read more…]

039-Ask Dr Soram- New information on GMO’s and Part 3 of my Interview with Ron Karlsberg, M.D.

Before I talk about this podcast I want to mention that I was at the Healthy Expo in Los Angeles yesterday and heard Jeffrey M. Smith speak about “Genetic Roulette”. From his lecture I got an even stronger understanding of the role that GMO’s could be playing in all of our health. I see GMO’s as just yet one more environmental toxin.

Click here to read my entire post on this subject.

Here is the GMO website I talk about

You can click here to watch the Movie for free this week on Genetic Roulette

In this podcast I conclude with part three of my interview with Dr. Ron Karlsberg, Professor of Medicine at UCLA School of medicine.

We finish up discussing this very valuable test called the Coronary CT Angiogram. [Read more…]

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038 –Ask Dr Soram- My meeting with Wayne Dyer and Part 2 of my interview with Dr Ron Karlsberg on the CT Angiogram

In this podcast I announce that I am going to be on a medical daytime TV show in the near future. I am not allowed to put its name on the internet until 7 days before the show. The show has been filmed and should air in the 2nd or 3rd week of October. Stay tuned to my podcast and my website www.drsoram.com for an announcement as soon as I know. Also, I will be tweeting it and putting it on my Facebook page. Please follow me on twitter or LIKE me on Facebook!

I also talk about how I had the privilege to meet with Dr. Wayne Dyer while I was visiting in Hawaii. We had a wonderful conversation together and it was most uplifting to me. I highly recommend to you his new book which is a bestseller called Wishes Fulfilled. It is a difficult time on planet earth for all of us, and this book will help guide you to getting what is most important to you. [Read more…]

037-Ask Dr Soram-Interview with Ron Karlsberg MD about Coronary CT Angiograms –Part 1 of 3

I am back from my vacation in Maui with my wife and friends and we had a  great time!  We went to the ocean every day and even spent an entire day of the ocean with good sunblock and an umbrella.

Just two days after I got back from Hawaii I went to the Dr. John McDougall advanced weekend in Santa Rosa California that I told you about on the last podcast. It was a fantastic meeting. Dean Ornish M.D., was the lead speaker and he gave a wonderful talk about the work he’s doing with diet and lifestyle in reversing heart disease and stabilizing or reversing prostate cancer. Here is his site

and here is his lecture on TED

Also William Roberts, M.D., the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology also gave a great lecture and you watch a free YouTube video of him entitled “Humans are Herbivores”. [Read more…]

036-What am I doing? The McDougall Weekend!

This podcast is going to be short today because I’m just going to give you an announcement. I hope to have a wonderful interview which I did with Dr. Ron Karlsberg, who is one of the original physicians who has helped create and study the Coronary CT Angiogram, and I promise you in a couple weeks we will. I’ve decided to practice my own preaching and do some conscious living and I’m going to take a little time off from podcasting for this cycle because I am going to take some personal travel time with my family.

In addition, I’m very excited to let you all know and share with you that I will be attending the Dr. John McDougall Retreat, which is an advanced study weekend on September 7th to 9th. By the time you listen to this, this conference will be sold out, but you can go to DrMcDougall.com and you can actually sign up to watch it live via the internet, which is fabulous if you don’t want to travel up to Santa Rosa. This is on the weekend of September 7th to 9th. [Read more…]

035-Unprocessed-An Interview with Chef AJ- Part 3

In part three of my interview with Chef AJ we start out by talking about how important it is to stop eating oil and sugar. She learned this from attending lectures by Dr. Esselstyn, who you as you probably know is now President Bill Clinton’s physician.

Chef AJ recommends reading two books. One is called The End of Overeating and you can get Kindle version HERE.

The other book is called The Pleasure Trap. These books explain why these food substances are so addictive.

You can also get it on Kindle here.

She then talks about a noted cardiologist in Texas, Baxter Montgomery, M.D. who talks about genetic diseases. He has an interesting saying which is “it’s not the disease that runs in the family, it’s the recipes! That’s what is running in your family!” [Read more…]

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034 –Unprocessed! –An Interview with Chef AJ Part 2

In Part 2 of my interview with we start out by talking about the ubiquitous olive oil. We get Chef AJ’s perspective on olive oil. Olive Oil is indeed a highly processed food she points out. You can’t just take some olives and press them in your house and get Olive Oil. She points out that we don’t sit down and eat 40 to 50 olives in one sitting which is what it would take to make some olive oil. This is about the Mount of olives in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. That is 120 calories of pure fat which is 14% saturated fat as well.

She further points out in this epidemic of obesity, where it is predicted that 50% of Americans will be obese, why would we want to feed them a food that is 4000 calories per pound? This is the most calorically dense food on the planet, and it doesn’t fill you up! She therefore recommends eating flax seed not the oil, the corn not the corn oil!

Indeed, it Chef AJ points out that it takes 16 ears of corn to make 1 tablespoon of corn oil.
She points out that Dr Esselstyn’ website and you can find the videos talking about the adverse effects of olive oil here [Read more…]