Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease By Up To 122% !

As my readers and patients know, I am very passionate about normalizing the vitamin D levels of the population of the world. It is now estimated that over 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D.

More and more studies are coming out showing the benefit of vitamin D for a plethora of medical conditions.

Now I am very excited to announce to you that a new study in the prestigious journal Neurology, the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology, has just published a landmark article showing a strong association between vitamin D deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease.

This study was carried out by lead author David Llewellyn, PhD, and is thought by the authors of the article to be the first large and prospective study looking at the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and vitamin D in patients.

The findings showed that for the elderly Americans who took part in the study, those who were severely deficient in vitamin D were 122% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Those who were just deficient had a 69% percent increase in the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

These are astonishing numbers!

The study looked at over 1600 adults who were 65 years or older who were deemed to be free of other disease. After meauring their baseline vitamin D levels, the people in the study were followed for six years to see who went on to develop Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia.

The lead author of the study, Dr.Llywelyn said “We expected to find an association between low vitamin D levels and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, but the results were surprising – we actually found that the association was twice as strong as we anticipated.”

He went on to say that “We need to be cautious at this early stage and our latest results do not demonstrate that low vitamin D levels cause dementia. That said, our findings are very encouraging and even if a small number of people could benefit, this would have enormous public health implications given the devastating and costly nature of dementia.”

He recommended clinical trials to establish whether increasing in advance people’s vitamin D levels would delay orprevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia.

This study puts a lot of wind in the sails of physicians who study vitamin D, including myself. However, I want to point out to my readers what levels the researchers used to define deficiency!

They defined deficiency as a vitamin D level less than 20 ng/mL. They defined a severe deficiency as a vitamin D level less than 10 ng/mL.

In the eyes of progressive vitamin D researchers these are extraordinarily low vitamin D levels. But these are the levels where research is done.

In spite of the strong evidence that many extra­skeletal benefits are derived from levels of vitamin D between 40 and 70 ng/mL, the very conservative Institute of Medicine of the United States, recommends a level of 20 ng/mL, and the Endocrine Society recommends a level of 30 ng/mL for good health. Even these two organizations cannot agree on a healthy vitamin D level.

I clearly do not agree with these recommendations for vitamin D blood levels , nor do my vitamin D research colleagues. My recommendation for a healthy person is to keep their vitamin D blood level between 40 and 70 ng/mL. The medical literature again for extra skeletal benefit strongly supports these numbers.

The Authors of the article, of course, call for additional prospective research. This will take many more years to accomplish.

My position on this is that there is no harm in normalizing our own levels of vitamin D until the research comes out. But articles like this one showed the handwriting on the wall that proper vitamin D levels can be protective against many health conditions.

Where do you stand on this issue of what level of vitamin D should we have? I look forward to your comments on twitter or Facebook.

Dr. Soram

Link between vitamin D, dementia risk confirmed

Vitamin D and cognition in older adults’: updated international recommendations

Vitamin D and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease

Vitamin D effects on musculoskeletal health, immunity, autoimmunity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, fertility, pregnancy, dementia,and mortality: a review of recent evidence.

Meta­analysis of All­ Cause Mortality According to Serum 25­Hydroxyvitamin D

Vitamin D Video by Dr Oz

Nice Video by Dr Oz. I don’t agree with his sun recommendations or his cod liver oil recommendations. I also don’t agree with his recommendation of only 1000 IU per day­. I recommend 2000 a day for an otherwise healthy adult, but otherwise, this interview has some good education about Vitamin D including his talk about the Vitamin D winter for those in the northern 2/3 of the US. Don’t forget your kids too!

Remember to follow me on Twitter and Like me Facebook where you can leave me questions and comments.

Want to Reduce PMS? Think Calcium and Vitamin D, Get Some Sun and Take These Other Steps

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the onslaught of physical and emotional symptoms that plague an estimated 40 percent of all women during the last one or two weeks of their menstrual cycles, may have met its match.

A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that a combination of calcium and vitamin D not only reduces the risk of PMS symptoms, but they may be able to prevent them all together. The study compared the diets and supplement use of 1,057 women with PMS (aged 27 to 44) to 1,968 women with no PMS for a span of over 10 years.

Researchers found that women who ate four servings or more a day of a dairy product were less likely to develop PMS symptoms including anxiety, loneliness, irritability, tearfulness and tension.

“It seems that women who eat more foods high in calcium and vitamin D have less risk of experiencing PMS,” said Dr. Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University of Massachusetts, the study’s lead author. “It’s very exciting, and could end up being good news for many women out there.”

Click here to read more.

My Healthy Living Shop Will Soon Carry My Physician-Quality Vitamin D

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Fitting with these recent blog posts about vitamin D, I am happy to announce to all my readers that I am moving forward to integrate my vitamin D store with my Healthy Living Shop. That way when you go shopping for vitamin D, you can also shop for additional physician-quality nutritional supplements and pay only one shipping fee.

Similarly for those of you who are already shopping in the store, you will now be able to pick up your vitamin D while you are at the same shop!

I look forward to your comments about the uniting of these two stores!

I expect the two shops will be integrated sometime in the next 1-2 months.

Breast Cancer and Environment- The latest in Integrative Medicine Confirmation

Breast cancer
As many of you know, I work very often with women with breast cancer to keep them healthy, and I also now see women who are coming to protect against getting breast cancer. One of the main things we do is help them clean out their environmental toxins, as Integrative doctors know that this plays a big role in the epidemic of breast cancer.  I’ve spoken to most of you about the role of environment in our health and especially in regards to breast cancer. And many of you have listened to my podcast about the role of environment in our health.

Now at long last a governmental agency called the Interagency Breast Cancer & Environmental Research Coordinating Committee has issued a new report. The title of this report is Breast Cancer and the Environment – Prioritizing Prevention.

Finally, the National Institute of Health is acknowledging the most important role of environmental toxicity in the causation of breast cancer. In addition they state they are changing their focus from diagnosis and treatment to a focus of prevention. As many of you know I have been saying for many years that this focus needs to change.

In addition finally they are stating “Despite decades of productive breast cancer research, the number of women diagnosed with the disease continues to rise”. For years the cancer agencies have been saying that breast cancer is going down. That is NOT what my colleagues and I have seen. Now, finally they are admitting that the rate of breast cancer IS continuing to increase.

Here is the link to the site of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the announcement. Please download the PDF near the bottom of the page for more details.


Breast Cancer and Vitamin D-More information!

More and more studies are coming out about the benefits of vitamin D. The study I mentioned on my Dr Oz interview shows the relationship between vitamin D and breast cancer. A new study by my colleague Cedric Garland, Ph.D. is just out again showing the relationship between low vitamin D and increased incidence of breast cancer. This is why I am so careful about measuring all your vitamin D levels regularly throughout the year. And encourage you to get yours tested at least once or twice a year.
Read about it here. And get your friends on Vitamin D !

My do-it-yourself Home Test Kit can be purchased HERE.

Watch Me On Dr Oz Friday December 21, 2012!

I am delighted to announce that next Friday, December 21, 2012 I will be on the Dr. Oz Television Show ! You will be able to watch it on your local TV channel. I also have come to understand that Dr. Oz’s show runs in over 100 countries worldwide. Obviously this is very exciting! You can find out the time and station for the show by CLICKING HERE

I filmed the show several months ago in New York. I was told by Dr. Oz’s team that I could not make any mention of it in on my blog until today and that is why I’ve said nothing about it before on my blog.

I was interviewed in three segments. In the first segment, Dr. Oz address the  “Elephant in the room”, with the question “Why are you a Sikh ?” After giving a very straightforward answer to this question, we were able to move on to discuss why integrative medicine will be the future of healthcare in the United States.

In the second segment, we discussed vitamin D and my book about vitamin D. In addition Dr. Oz asked me why I had created my own brand of vitamin D and I answered that question.

In the third segment the Dr. Oz team had flown into of my “Fans” from my blog and podcast! Kathy Smart and Cynthia Besson were flown in to meet me on the show for the first time. Obviously this was very exciting to both of them as well as to me! I had no idea I had so many fans out there!

Kathy is a TV show host and best-selling author, and chef and is also known as Canada’s leading gluten-free expert. Her book is entitled “Live the Smart way: Gluten Free Cookbook” and has sold thousands of copies. It is available on Amazon here. Do check out her website which is HERE . I’m looking forward to doing an interview with her for one of my upcoming podcasts in the New Year.


Cynthia Dr Soram and Kathy after the Dr Oz Show was filmed


After the introduction and greeting of these two lovely ladies Dr. Oz had me go on to teach him a few Kundalini yoga exercises right on camera! I can’t wait to see Dr. Oz and the ladies and I doing yoga together. Of course everything is very abbreviated, because it is TV and every second counts.


Dr Soram Getting Ready to Teach Kundalini Yoga on Set

 I look forward to seeing the show and getting your feedback when it comes out next Friday, December 21, 2012.

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Vitamin D Revolution DVD Released

Happy holidays to all of you, and may the year ahead be the healthiest and happiest year of your life! In this newsletter I have some amazing and exciting information!

What have I been doing?

Vitamin D Revolution DVDIt has been many months since my last newsletter mostly because I have been focusing on my vitamin D project. As most of you know my book The Vitamin D Revolution has been available for about eight months now. In addition the at-home vitamin D test kits and my pharmaceutical quality vitamin D capsules are also now available.

I am happy to announce thatI have just released a DVD of my book! In this DVD I give a slide show lecture about vitamin D. The DVD is a little over an hour and it lets the viewer learn the salient points that I make in my book about vitamin D in a short time. In this new age of computers and digital media, I have come to realize a lot of people, especially young people, do not read books! They like to watch them or listen to them! It was for this reason that I prepared this DVD. The DVD is available for purchase here, and we will have it at special holiday prices for sale in my office until the end of the year.

I have been during many radio interviews and giving live lectures about vitamin D. Any suggestions or recommendations from you, my patients and friends, to help promote my vitamin D project would be most appreciated.

Purchase the DVD

 Vitamin D Revolution Book Test Kit and Pills

Order the Vitamin D Revolution Book, test kit or Vitamin-D capsules


The Vitamin D Revolution is Coming

I am very complimented that so many of my patients have asked what happened to my newsletter?  I have been very busy!

I'm happy to announce to all my patients and friends than on February 23, 2009 my first book, the vitamin D revolution will be released on my publisher Hay House's website, as well as on  This book has been a labor of love for the last approximately eight months.  I am very happy and proud with how the book turned out, and hope that it will help many people.

In all my many years of practice of medicine, I've never seen one vitamin, even vitamin C, have such profound effects on human health.  As most of you who are my patients know I've been normalizing and optimizing my patient's vitamin D levels for the last approximate five years.  90% of the new patients that I see are significantly deficient in vitamin D even in Southern California!  This brought me to the moral and spiritual imperative to share this information with the entire world.  It is estimated that there are over one billion people deficient in vitamin D worldwide.

There are two additional aspects to my "vitamin D project". 


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